The second gathering of artificial intelligence activists will be held in Isfahan city from October 21 to 24 with the focus of Isfahan Elite Foundation.
According to the public relations report of Isfahan Elite Foundation, Samaneh Ghasemi, an expert of Isfahan Elite Foundation, while pointing to the holding of this event in October 2024, added: In this gathering, university professors in the field of artificial intelligence, respected university faculty members, graduate students in the field of intelligence artificial, active and knowledge-based companies in the field of artificial intelligence that have technological products in this field, international activists in the field of artificial intelligence and all those interested in the general topic of artificial intelligence will be present.
The expert of Isfahan Elite Foundation added: In this gathering, all the professionals concerned in the field of artificial intelligence will gather together and discuss the latest issues and topics related to this field. The main focus and the main topic of this course of Isfahan artificial intelligence gathering will be internationalization and how to export and earn foreign currency in the field of artificial intelligence.
Referring to the presence of special guests from the world’s most prestigious companies in the field of artificial intelligence, Ghasemi continued: sharing the experiences and suggestions of these special guests for international economic activities in the field of artificial intelligence will be one of the goals of this meeting.
Pointing out that this course will be the second general gathering of artificial intelligence activists, he said: The first course started last year and at the same time as the city of Isfahan hosted the winners of the fifth Mustafa Award.
Ghasemi said: In the first session, which began with the presence and speech of two of the winners of the Mustafa (PBUH) award in the field of artificial intelligence, Mr. Dr. Shahab Al-Bahri from Egypt and Mr. Hassan from Pakistan, from the platform for the development of businesses in the field of intelligence. Artificial, under the title of AICTExpo, a presentation and a specialized panel with a policy approach in the field of artificial intelligence were held with the presence of four managers, experts and professors in the field of artificial intelligence.
In the end, he added: We hope that in the second gathering of artificial intelligence activists, which will be held from November 1st to November 4th in Isfahan city and hosted by the elite foundation of Isfahan province, we will witness a more enthusiastic participation of respected members of the scientific community, knowledge-based companies and all those interested and Let’s be concerned about this field and with God’s help, this gathering will lead to the strengthening of the artificial intelligence ecosystem in the country.